We are a DIY channel on YouTube. Our DIY videos are published in many playlists, so that you can learn more about how to do many things by yourself. These blogs are complimentary to our DIY videos, to serve as a written guide about all the DIY projects. Check out our official YouTube channel to watch more how-to DIY videos.
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Sunday, April 5, 2015
What Is A Standing Desk, And What Is It Good For?
At its root a standing desk is a desk that is used while standing up, for either work, study, or leisure. It can be of variable or fixed height, manual or electric, and can look many different ways with countless bells and whistles. By far the most important aspect of any desk however is its ergonomics. Regardless of how good it may look, if it cannot adjust to the needs of its user it will quickly reverse the many benefits of using it and may actually cause pain and discomfort. Good ergonomics start with making sure that the desk is adjusted properly to fit the user's height.
To use a standing desk correctly it should be raised until it is at elbow level, give or take an inch for personal convenience. This will ensure that the neck and shoulders don't have to work extra hard in order to compensate for the difference in heights. Next, if using a computer, it's important to set the monitor at eye level so that the neck can remain in a straight and neutral position the entire time.
Proper foot support is a must and it starts with wearing comfortable running shoes or using an anti-fatigue mat, or both. Because most office workers wear dress shoes or heels to work, an anti-fatigue mat goes a long way in order to reduce the stress on the joints and to improve stamina. Lastly, because prolonged standing is almost as undesirable, it's important to acquire a desk that is height adjustable. This will allow the user to take sitting breaks when they choose to do so and with only a push of a button or the turn of a crank.
Office workers and other chronic sitters have known for a long time that prolonged sitting is neither pleasant nor healthy, but it wasn't until desk jobs became the status quo in North America and elsewhere that research into their dangers was given a second look. In fact, as early as 1953 British researchers found that (sitting) bus drivers were twice as likely to die of heart attacks as (standing) trolley operators. It is the rise in prolonged sitting among Canadian and American youth and adults that has necessitated the development and popularization of standing desks.
That is a good thing because according to an Ipsos survey, 3 out of 4 full-time employees of large companies wish they didn't spend most of their working hours sitting, and 67% of them wish their employers offered them desks that could be adjusted so they could work either seated or standing. Can we blame them? Sitting puts added pressure on the back and spine, shuts off the muscles in our legs, reduces blood circulation to our brains, makes us fidget, and eventually puts us to sleep!
Sit long enough and these inconveniences turn into full-fledged risk factors for cardiovascular disease, cancer, diabetes, obesity, and the list keeps growing! On the other hand, limit the time that you sit to only 3 hours spread throughout the day and you will not only feel better, but will also be more alert and productive, healthier, and will almost certainly live a longer and happier life.
Roll up the Rim - Leave No Rim Unrolled
Once a year Tim Hortons will have the contest of Roll up the Rim and my son, like many others goes crazy about it. We are the living proof that the sale of coffee and other hot beverages at Tim Hortons goes up during that time period. We are among the many who contribute to it.
Now, every morning the questions are: “Daddy, have you had your coffee today at Tim Hortons” or “Can I please have a hot chocolate at Tim’s so I can roll up the rim?” During the contest, those additional cups of coffee from Tim Hortons will have the pleasure of getting their rims rolled up, revealing a price under them and making someone very happy, or for the very enthused ones who are not giving up easily when they get to “Play Again.”
Although we have come to know, at a considerable cost, that 1 in 6 cups is not a winner, (unlike what Tim Hortons claims), but we also don’t give up easily and we continue to roll those rims up, and tell others to make sure to “roll up the rim” because you never know what price might be hiding under there.
My son is so into it that he even keeps a sharp eye on the road and sidewalks, scouting those red cups from Tim Hortons, whose rims have not been rolled up, and in our disbelief there are people who actually never rolled up their rims. So what do we do? We go to the rescue of the lonely cup as we believe no rim should be left unrolled. In so doing, we have come to actually winning a few free hot drinks and doughnuts by rolling up those unrolled rims. Now, for someone like me who has a borderline germ phobia, it takes a great deal of courage to pick up those cups and roll up their rim. But you will never know what prize might be hiding under those rims.
As Luck would have it, my son recently won a $100 gift card from Tim Hortons roll up the rim contests after drinking his hot chocolate that we got from Promenade Mall in Thornhill, on the first day of spring 2013. He had not gone to school on that day and had stayed home to celebrate the Persian New Year. One of the signs and significant of the Persian New year is the sign of prosperity in the New Year. And prosperous he was when he yelled from the back seat, “Daddy I won.” At first I thought he was joking, but then he again said, “No, I really Won Daddy.” His cousin was in the car and the 3 of us screamed with joy as my 10 year old son was the winner of $100 Tim Hortons gift card of their roll up the rim 2013 contest. Oh how joyous was that moment for him.
The roll up the rim seems to then become a contagious thing in our family. Only 2 days after that, my brother in law won a BBQ from Tim Hortons after he rolled up his rim and under it, it revealed that he was a winner.
The point I am trying to make here is that, even if 1 in 6 cups is not a winner, but it is very possible that every cup can potentially be a winner. So, the next time you drink your hot beverage from Tim Hortons, make sure to roll up the rim, or if your cup with its rim not rolled is found by us on the road ( as there are those who litter) then we might scream when we become a winner of big prize, like a car or even a free coffee.
How to Turn Your Digital Pictures into Memory Book In Print?
Photo books are back in style, big time! Bookit! is encouraging this trend. Why? Because we believe that your photos deserve more. More attention, more views, and more interest - your photos deserve a photo book! A photo book that has a distinguished and prominent place on a bookshelf, beckoning to be opened by anyone and everyone, and offering us a glimpse at the wonderful experiences we've had.
We have a great life and we document it with photos all the time. The time has come to save these memories in a beautiful and unique photo book!
Our world has become super fast-paced and overloaded with information from every direction – the Internet, blogs, Facebook, and TV of course. This fast pace and mélange of information accumulating in our brain often leaves us longing to return to simplicity, family, the formative events of our lives. To feel these same simple and special emotions, the events that shape our lives, those that we remember and want to remember. Which is exactly what photo books are here for.
In order to capture these moments, we take a lot of photos, with our smartphones, with our digital cameras, and sometimes we even hire a professional photographer. At best, these pictures are viewed by our Facebook friends, but only briefly,because we are always moving on to the next thing that catches our eye. This is not what perusing a photo book is about. Looking through a photo book is a slow and lengthy process where you savor the moment and go back in time to those same precious moments, leaving you with a smile on your face. Photo books store not only our photos but also our feelings at the time the photos were taken.
Nowadays, there are so many photo book programs offered online. The process is simple and anyone with a bit of technical know how can install the program on his computer and compile his own photo book. So what’s the problem?
The problem starts with our priorities in life. We work, raise a family, run endless errands, and are constantly rushing from place to place and when we eventually get home at the end of the day, we are too tired to deal with our photos, never mind compile a photo book. Those that want to make a photo book are already put off from the start because of all the photos that they have to rummage through and choose from, and how on Earth do you start picking and choosing which pictures to include in the book? After all, most of us have hundreds and even thousands of photos! So, the photo book project is postponed once again. Everyone wants it but no one has the time to do it!
Bookit! was created specifically to fill this niche. Because you have no time, we will compile your photo books for you!We know you want it, but you don’t know where to start! And if you’ve already chosen your photos, then you don’t know what to do next and it takes you a long time, because it really does take a fair amount of time to compile a photo book!
Doing it at the end of a day when you are tired and not in the mood is disrespecting your photos! They deserve close and personal attention. Your photobook deserves maximal attention, talent, creativity, and the joy of creation – we know that not everyone has it at the end of the day, but we do!
This is what we do! We take your photos, choose the best and most important ones and compile them in a photo book. With the right text and your own personal words and touch, we bring your experiences back to life. We give you a gift: your most important memories packaged in a book that will always feature on your bookshelf but most importantly, in your heart.And do you want to know something else? Your extended family will be thrilled to get your photo book as well!
Why don'y employers call you back after the job interview
I hear it all too often, the big question, “why don’t Companies call you back after an interview? They said that they would let me know one way or the other”.
Does this sound familiar to you? We hear it almost daily. More and more firms these days are not contacting candidates to advise they didn’t get the job.
You leave feeling great and think you aced the interview and then….it’s been a week and you still have no call. Your thinking wow is that rude or what!
Recently there was a survey done in the USA that of those that were interviewed and not contacted one way or another said they would not speak highly of the company. Those same people said if they even received a rejection letter that would be better than hanging on to a thread of hope.
Companies are not getting back to people any more, why can’t you contact them? You should, at the very least, ask for a business card form the person(s) that interviewed you. That will give you their email address and you should have already thanked them for their time and the chance for you to expand on your qualifications. That is a common best practise now and in my opinion, expected. It tells the interviewer a lot about the person that they just spent time with and even considering for a position within the firm. It is not a deal breaker though.
I do not think it is about the interviewer doesn’t want to connect with the people that they considered and interviewed, it is that they just do not have the time. It takes time to review the resume, do a phone call screening and then the interview time. If you add it all up, that might equal a total of about 3 hours or more.
When there is time spend in recruitment and selection, unknown procedures to the general public are things that the candidate really is not privy to nor are they really going to care what the company procedures or time spend are.
It is one thing to be in a job and looking for a better opportunity, but when you’re out of work and you have bills to pay, this is not relevant to that particular circumstance.
So how do you avoid the “dangling by a string” position? One way is to do a courtesy email, letter or even a call to thank the person for their time and let them know that you look forward to hearing from them soon. The reasons for this are simple; if you’re on their mind, chances are they are going to remember you in a positive way as the candidate that was proactive. This is one way to just remain fresh in the interviewers mind. If they are a good interviewer, they will make notes on your resume or even print this correspondence and attach it to your resume in order to refer to it and clear out their mail box.
So when you’re going for that job you really really want, keep the following in mind: what 5 questions do I want to ask or know about the company, remember your research on the company and mention this when applicable in order to show you have done your due diligence and researched the firm. Smile while in the interview, give a firm hand shake and above all else dress for success!
When you’re ready to get the expert guidance and advise contact The Staff Room, we have workshops that can help get you through these trying days!
Job Interview tips and tricks
All too often we are asked, “What did I do wrong in the interview?" What could or should I be doing different? Is there really a way to interview and come out on top of the consideration pile?”
To answer these and other recurring questions, YES you have done something wrong within the interview, or you would not keep wondering about it, Yes I am sure there are things that could be improved upon as no one is perfect! YES there really is a way to be a great interviewee.
Let’s tackle these concerns. To someone that is new to the recruiting field, they will not notice that your nervous and not watching your body language that is maybe saying one thing while you’re telling the interviewer something different. It is also possible that the person conducting the interview is also nervous and not noticing that you’re talking with your hands and it is not sign language.
So here is a short check list that will help you at your next interview: do you have enough copies of your resume to give the interviewer and many a panel of others sitting in on the interview, are you and your clothes clean and unwrinkled, make sure you do not put any more than a dab of cologne or perfume, none is preferred. Do you have something to write on with a writing tool such as a pad of paper and a pen? Pencils break and will show you’re nervous, so bring a pen and do NOT chew on it. Do you have 3 questions to ask the interviewer and with that comes, have you researched this company and maybe the person you’re interviewing with? Arrive at least 5 minutes early, as they say the early bird gets the worm. Calling a head to see what the dress attire is for the place you will be working is a good idea, when in doubt wear a suit or if you do not have one, pants/skirt with a dress shirt and a blazer with nice shoes will be fine as well.
When you’re on your way to the interview, if you usually smoke…DO NOT SMOKE anything or drink anything, other than water and ensure you have had a good meal or snack before you go. You do not want your stomach making strange noises while in the interview. Nothing too heavy as you don’t want to be sick either. If you’re asked if you would like a beverage, water is fine thank you, should be your reply. Even if you only take one sip of the water, it shows confidence. Sit up with good posture and pay attention to the interviewer, if you’re not clear on a question, ask them to repeat it. Sitting there with a silly look on your face or providing the wrong answer will not go over well. When you ask them to repeat the question, it shows that when you’re unclear on something asked of you, you will ask questions in order to get the job done properly the first time. Attention to detail is a good thing.
So in conclusion, in order to be prepared, take a few moments to review the above suggestions and do a check list for yourself. It never hurts to do a drive test as well, then you will not be late or lost when you’re going to the interview.
I hope that this has helped and should you need further help in preparing for interviews, contact The Staff Room to ask about the interview services we offer.
Good Luck all!
How To Terminate An Employee ?
I am prompted to speak about terminating an employee. Why, well I am hearing far too often these days how an employer just wants to jump in and terminate! You have to be very naive if you honestly think that is going to solve all the problems and issues regarding an employee or a bad seed.
When an employee has not been to work for a day or two or decides to leave a voice mail they are in need of emergency leave, which according to the ESA it is 10 days of unpaid leave but their job is still there, and you cannot terminate just because they needed the emergency leave. Nor can you just terminate due to being scared they might not return. Too many employers are forgetting about the ESA, Human Rights Act and Common Laws not to mention the other various Acts and legislationa that are out there.
I have always advised employers that yes of course you can terminate anyone you want, BUT, are you willing to pay the price in order to do that? There is ALWAYS a price to be paid for jumping the gun and just terminating. Is it not a lot better to do it the proper way and find out why this person is not performing as they have since the beginning?
When you’re thinking of terminating an employee, ask these questions first; Why is this individual not performing, why are we not happy with them, what has happened that is leading us down the termination path, is this person of any value to the firm, how long have they been with the firm, is there any previous violations of company policies or anything done against the goals and reputation of the firm, can this be thought of as termination for just cause, or is this going to be looked at as constructive dismissal.
Once you have asked and answered all these, and more, then you will know how to respond to the situation at hand.
When in doubt, contact a lawyer or paralegal for some help, or ensure that your HR has past experience and a bit of law in their background is a great asset as well.
How Chiropractic Care Can Help With Neck Pain?
Neck pain is something no one likes to contend with. It is a common problem that can have a significant affect on the quality of your life. It may hamper your ability to get on with daily tasks or disrupt social/recreational activities. An estimated one-fifth of us will experience neck pain at any given time1.
What can cause neck pain?
Many everyday things may contribute to neck pain: prolonged computer use, watching TV, poor posture, stress…and the list goes on and on. Many of these potential causes have one thing in common: they all put added tension and stress on the neck. Muscles, joints, and nerves are all affected and can become irritated. This may lead to symptoms such as decreased movement, tight muscles, or pain and headaches, to name just a few.
What can I do for neck pain?
There are many types of neck pain and they are as varied as they come. Some people tend to ignore thesesymptoms of neck pain hoping they will disappear on their own. Others may take prescription or over-the-counter medication to mask the symptoms. Still others seek out natural and holistic approaches to restore their health. These may include Chiropractic care, massage therapy, naturopathy, and acupuncture to name a few.Chiropractic care has been shown to be one of the few treatments that can help relieve neck pain2.
How can Chiropractic help my neck pain?
Chiropractic care is a natural, hands-on healthcare discipline that seeks to find the underlying cause of your discomfort. Your neck is the most vulnerable part of your spine. Not only does it have to support a 10-12 lbs head and permit head movement, it must also allow the free flow of nerve impulses to the head, face, arms, and the rest of your body. These important jobs are what help keep you healthy and functioning everyday.
If the joints of your neck are out of alignment, this will compromise their ability to function. A Chiropractor will use an adjustment to help restore proper motion and position to the misaligned joints. This will help remove the tension on the surrounding tissues, allowing them to regain their normal functioning as well. Depending on your age and unique health concerns, repeated adjustments over several days or weeks may be needed. These may be combined with exercise recommendations, postural and nutritional advice, or ergonomic tips for your work space.
Your neck is only one ‘part’ of your whole spine so it is important to make sure the rest of your spine is in working order as well. Pain or dysfunction in one area may lead to over-use in another area as the body attempts to compensate. This is why a problem in one area of your spine can have far reaching effects on your overall health. You only have one spine, so it just makes sense to take care of it. Find a Toronto Chiropractor that can help you with your neck pain.
- Canadian Chiropractic Association. “Chiropractic Care and Your Neck Pain” Toronto, 2013. Print.
- The Bone and Joint Decade Task Force on Neck Pain and Its Associated Disorders; published in the medical journal “Spine” February 15, 2008, Vol. 33, No. 4S
What Do Chiropractors Do?
If I asked you to describe what a dentist does, I’m positive you could easily tell me. Same goes for an optometrist. Now, what if I asked you ‘What does a Chiropractor do?’ would you be able to give me an answer as easily? Maybe not. But not to worry, you’re not alone.
Chiropractic is one of the largest primary-contact health care professions in Ontario. This means that anyone may consult a Chiropractor for a health concern and no medical referral is necessary from a family doctor or specialist. Chiropractic is a non-invasive, hands-on health care discipline (the word ‘chiropractic’ literally means ‘done by hand’) that focuses on the relationship between the spine, nerve system, and the body’s ability to heal and function. Chiropractors use a natural and drug-free approach to health and wellness.
Where do we start? You’ve been complaining for months about your headaches, neck pain, back pain, etc… On the advice of a friend, family member, or co-worker you finally decide to make an appointment to see a Chiropractor. But you’re still not really what to expect or how Chiropractic can help you.
One of the best ways to learn if Chiropractic is right for you is to book an initial consultation. Many Chiropractors will offer complimentary 15-minute consults where prospective patients can have questions answered, see the office, meet staff but also get to know the Chiropractor. This also gives the doctor an opportunity to learn a little bit about you and your health concerns.
Following a thorough history of your current and past health issues the Chiropractor will perform a physical exam of your spine and any other area(s) of concern. This will help determine what exactly is going on and how Chiropractic can best help you. If Chiropractic can’t help you, this will allow the doctor to refer to a health care professional best suited for your needs.
A treatment plan (how many visits per week, what changes are expected, etc…) is discussed with you by the Chiropractor. Don’t hesitate to ask questions if you’re unsure of something. Your health is important to you
When it comes to treatment, Chiropractors use what is called an adjustment. An adjustment is the use of specific force in a precise direction applied to a spinal joint that is not moving properly (i.e. it is stuck/restricted/misaligned). The adjustment helps restore motion to these joints, improving spinal function and joint mobility. This allows the function of the nervous system to improve and the natural healing process to begin. An adjustment can be performed many different ways: using the Chiropractor’s hands, a specially designed instrument, a slow constant pressure to name a few. The adjustment will always be tailored to your age, size, and unique health issue. But the intent is always the same: to address spinal joints that are not moving properly and restore proper motion to allow natural healing to begin.
A lot of people get worried about the sound that they sometimes hear during an adjustment – their bones are cracking! Not true! The noise that is sometimes heard is gas being released from the joint – just like the sound you hear when you open a pop can, same concept. This sound is not an indication of harm.
Now I realize these concepts may be quite foreign to a lot of people but I wanted to (hopefully) shed a little bit of light on what a Chiropractor does to help people with their health care issues. If you are still on the fence, I encourage you to call up your local Toronto Chiropractor and just ask to sit down and chat! You just may learn a thing or two about your health along the way.
How Does Chiropractic Help With Low Back Pain?
By: Dr. Andrea Perricone, Chiropractor at Living Well Family Chiropractic
This chiropractor clinic is conveniently located south of St. Clair on Yonge Street in Toronto
Yes! With an increase in sedentary jobs, lack of exercise, poor posture – it is no wonder 80% of us will (unfortunately) experience low back pain at some point in our lifetime1. It has become one of the most common reasons people seek medical care from their family doctors and also a large contributor to workplace absenteeism. Millions of Canadians suffer needlessly. Read below to learn more about how natural Chiropractic care can help you with your low back pain.
But let’s start at the beginning – what is low back pain and where does it come from?
Although it may seem quite self-explanatory, a quick reminder is always helpful. When we refer to the low back it is generally the area below your ribs to the tip of your tailbone. It encompasses the ‘core’ and consists of bones, muscles, ligaments, and nerves all working together to keep you upright and moving. The low back is an important part of your anatomy!
There are manycauses of low back pain. Injuries, poor posture, sedentary lifestyle, pregnancy, heavy lifting, recreational activities (just to name a few!) can all contribute. The stresses of everyday life (poor diet, emotional stress, lack of restorative sleep, etc) also play a role2. Whatever the cause, it’s just plain upsetting! When your low back hurts, other things begin to suffer too. Simple tasks like sitting, walking, putting on a jacket, etc. become unmanageable. Some people even start to give up activities they love because they can no longer manage. Others choose to ignore the pain and tough it out – ‘it’ll just go away in a few days, right?’ Ignoring your low back pain won’t make it go away. It may even make it worse because underlying cause(s) is not being resolved.
What can you do about it? There are a lot of different options out there. The easy and fast route a lot of people do is to take medication to dull the pain. Yet this really only alleviates the symptoms.
These days, many people are looking for solutions to their health issues that really get down to the root cause of the issue – is it poor diet? Poor posture? Lack of exercise? All of the above?
Chiropractic care gets to the root cause of your health issues and may be the right step for you. Research has shown that Chiropractic care is more effective than an NSAID (non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drug) commonly prescribed called Diclofenac when it comes to low back pain3.
If natural health is important to you, you may benefit from Chiropractic care.
Chiropractic care helps restore balance and health to your body by working with the body’s natural ability to heal. A Chiropractor will assess and correct and joint imbalances that may be contributing to your issues. This will help take the stress and tension off the surrounding tissues allowing your body to move and function better.
Even if your back doesn’t hurt now – it doesn’t ‘hurt’ to have it checked by a Chiropractor to make sure no small issues are developing which may turn into more serious issues later on. A Chiropractor can also give you advice and tips on how to prevent pain and injury from recurring. By playing an active and proactive role in your own health, it’s a win-win situation for you…and your health!
Chiropractic allows the body to heal itself so naturally it’s the right first choice for all of your issues – including low back pain. Stop suffering and make an appointment with your local Toronto Chiropractor. Let your body have a chance to heal itself with natural Chiropractic care.
Dr. Andrea Perricone is a Chiropractor at Living Well Family Chiropractic. To learn more about how Chiropractic can benefit you and your family, contact her at 416-985-1911 or www.drperricone.ca
- http://www.statcan.gc.ca/pub/82-619-m/2006003/4053542-eng.htm
- Ontario Chiropractic Association. “Chiropractic Care & Back Pain” Toronto, 2013. Print.
- von Heymann, Wolfgang J. Dr. Med, et al. "Spinal High-Velocity Low Amplitude Manipulation in Acute Nonspecific Low Back Pain: A Double-Blinded Randomized Controlled Trial in Comparison With Diclofenac and Placebo," Spine 2013 (Apr 1); 38 (7): 540–548
How to Differentiate etween Memory and Aging
How many times have you misplaced your keys or forgotten a phone number? Forgetfulness is a common complaint among older adults. Occasional lapses in memory are a normal part of the aging process and do not require any form of intervention.
Unlike age-related memory loss, dementia can be very disabling and can impede one’s daily functioning. When memory loss becomes severe and has a negative impact on your daily living and relationships with others, it is advisable to seek medical attention.
Various research in memory show that practices which contribute to healthy living also apply to healthy memory as well.
Here are some helpful trips to assist you in improving your memory:
Regular Exercise: Moderate physical activity improves blood circulation to your body, including your brain. Without adequate blood supply, the brain will not function optimally and your memory may become affected. Exercise also helps reduce the risk of developing conditions such as diabetes, stroke, and hypertension, all of which can play a role in memory loss.
Challenge your mind: Just as how physical workouts keep your body in shape, cognitive workouts can have a positive impact on your overall brain function. Reading regularly, working on crossword puzzles and playing games designed to improve cognitive functioning can all exercise your mind and improve your memory.
Healthy Diet: Eating a balanced diet rich in fruits and vegetables can be very beneficial as they are a good source of antioxidants which help protect against many diseases and age related illnesses. Drinking lots of water and avoiding alcohol can also have a positive impact on your memory.
Restful Sleep: Uninterrupted sleep is essential for memory consolidation as well as your overall health. Research indicates that adults need at least six to eight hours of sleep per night. It is critical to establish and maintain a consistent sleep schedule and routine. Whenever possible, go to bed at the same time every each night and wake up at the same time every morning.
Get organized: Declutter your home and leave items that you use daily such as your keys and glasses in the same designated spot. Use a day planner/organizer or your phone to write appointments, reminders and to do lists. Use devices such as cooking timers and alarm clocks as memory aids.
How to Care for Aging Parents
Currently, 10% of Vaughan’s population is over 65. This number is expected to double in 2030 as baby boomers reach retirement age. With this growth comes the dilemma of who is going to care for them. This is the challenge the sandwich generation, the generation of people who care for their aging parents while supporting their own children, is left to tackle. Many people are finding that their aging parents are in need of assistance but do not have the time or the resources to provide the care themselves. Fortunately, there are numerous options available today to help seniors grow old gracefully. Many families favor their parents to stay in their own home, as it maximizes independence, comfort, and dignity. Here are some tips to help you along the decision making process:
Before you start
- Speak with your parents to clarify expectations and options. For example, do they want you to provide care or hire someone?
- Seek advice from friends and family members who are already caring for an aging loved one.
- Research your options. Learn how different types of home care companies and care facilities operate so you can make the best decision for your family.
- Speak with your parents to see if they are able to pay for additional care or if they need assistance.
Once your family has decided on home healthcare, the following health questions should be discussed:
- What kind of care do your parents need? Personal care, meal preparation, house cleaning, companionship, medication assistance, or nursing care etc.
- How often do your parents need care? They may need a few hours a week or they may require 24 hour live in care.
- Is medical equipment required?
- Is your parent’s home safe for them to live in? An home safety assessment may be necessary to ensure a safe living environment.
Choose a home healthcare company with the right criteria. Here are some important questions to ask your home healthcare provider:
- Do you offer the services I need?
- Do you do reference checks on your staff?
- Do you do criminal record checks on your staff?
- Do you have staff available 24 hours a day, 7 days a week?
- What levels of staff do you hire and what are their qualifications?
- Is someone available to contact 24 hours a day in case of emergency?
- Every time a staff member visits, are the activities and treatment given documented?
- Is there a written plan of care for the patient’s treatment, which the patient, physician, and family participated in developing?
Finding the right care solution may not be an easy task but being proactive and having these conversations while your parents are still healthy can be valuable down the road when they are in need of care.
Benefits of Regular Chiropractic Care during Pregnancy
Dr. Andrea Perricone’s Blogs
Tel #: 416-985-1911
Website: drperricone.ca
All you need to know about health and wellness.
Benefits of Regular Chiropractic Care during Pregnancy
Pregnancy is an exciting and emotional time for many parents. For Mom, in particular, hormonal, physical and emotional changes can leave her feeling fatigued and in discomfort, to say the least! Almost 50% of pregnant women experience back pain at some point during the 9 months – there’s a lot of women out there suffering needlessly.
It’s likely safe to say, that almost all Moms-to-be are wary of taking medication (prescription and/or over-the-counter) due to safety concerns for themselves and their growing baby. Many are turning to natural and holistic means to help them through their pregnancy. Chiropractic care is a natural, holistic approach to overall health and wellness that has helped numerous pregnant women maintain a healthy pregnancy and with their aches and pains.
Who are the culprits of these aches and pain that so many suffer from? The blame game is placed squarely on:hormones and weight gain.
Hormones are crucial to the preparation of the mother’s body to carry and deliver the baby. Hormones (progesterone, estrogen, relaxin, just to name a few) all work in harmony to alter and control the various systems of the body to support the growing baby. The most commonly talked about function of these hormones is to loosen (‘relax’) the pelvic joints to prepare for childbirth. But the hormones don’t know that they need to only work on the pelvis…they go everywhere! Loose joints equals muscles and ligaments have to take up the extra slack. This leads to fatigue, muscle strain, and overall discomfort.
Add on top of all that the extra weight Mom gains (baby + increase in blood volume + increase in fat and protein storage, oh my!), a protruding belly leading to altered posture and gait – a set up for disaster. No wonder Moms-to-be everywhere are suffering!
This is where Chiropractic comes in. Chiropractic care works with the whole body in a natural and non-invasive way. Keeping your spine aligned helps the entire body work and function more effectively. That means a healthier and happier pregnancy for you.
Regular chiropractic care during pregnancy helps maintain balance, alignment, and flexibility of the spinal joints. This allows Mom to maintain a healthier pregnancy and the growing baby enough room to develop and move around as it needs to.
Other potential benefits of regular Chiropractic care during pregnancy include1:
- controlling symptoms of nausea
- reducing labour and delivery times2
- Research indicates that in first time Moms labour times were reduced by 25% and in Moms who had given birth before labour times were reduced by 31%
- Relieving back, neck, and joint pain
- Allowing the baby to assume optimal position for labour and delivery
Chiropractic allows the body to function, restore, and heal itself naturally. It is the right first choice for all of your issues and an integral part of a healthy lifestyle.
If you or someone you know is pregnant (or even thinking about becoming pregnant), call your local Toronto Chiropractor today to get your pregnancy off on the right foot!
Dr. Andrea Perricone is a Chiropractor at Living Well Family Chiropractic. To learn more about how Chiropractic can benefit you and your family, contact her at 416-985-1911 or www.drperricone.ca
- American Pregnancy Association http://americanpregnancy.org/pregnancyhealth/chiropracticcare.html
- Fallon J. The Effect of Chiropractic Treatment on Pregnancy and Labor: A Comprehensive Study. Proceedings of the World Federation of Chiropractic, 1991:24-31
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